The Knight Errant {Orlando
2020. Film 5 mins.
A tender portrait of a young boy, Orlando, on the cusp of being a teenager, working alone to master the precision and competitive mindset of football alongside the artistic rigour and dexterity of a pianist.
Screened at London International Screen Dance Festival, Brighton Screen Dance Festival & Camera Pandemania Istanbul.
I made this short film for one as part of my MA: Creative Practice at the height of the pandemic. The Knight Errant {Orlando seeks to present an intimate portrait of my eleven year old son engaged in honing his two passions, football and the piano, and to show how their contrasting energies work together to create an equilibrium between the physical, mental and creative sides of the human. I created my film from the perspective of a dance maker seeking to communicate human energy through the shaping of movement, timing, pace, phrasing, dynamic qualities and trajectories within the frame and integrated sound.
I wanted to show how a young boy of 11 can be both sensitively attuned and determined, with a mature sense of purpose and ownership of his own destiny. By choreographing the movement within the frame, and its rhythm, pace and dynamic through the edit, I wanted to show how Orlando’s contrasting skills might function symbiotically to align and complement each other.